關於Lyrics of Hamari Adhuri Kahani
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Welcome to Lyrics of Hamari Adhuri Kahani, here you will get all Hindi Songs Lyrics of Hamari Adhuri Kahani movie.
Hamari Adhuri Kahani is a hindi movie which was released on 12th June 2015. Mohit Suri directed the movie and Mahesh Bhatt produced it. Hamari Adhuri Kahani movie features Emraan Hashmi and Vidya Balan in lead roles. Ami Mishra, Jeet Gannguli and Mithoon composed the music for this movie. The lyrics were written by Rashmi Singh, Sayeed Quadri, Kunaal Vermaa. The tracklist for this movie is Hamari Adhuri Kahani, Humnava, Yeh Kaisi Jagah, Hasi, Hasi Female version, Hamari Adhuri Kahani (Encore), Zaroori Tha.
We hope everyone will have fun using this app and learn all the Hindi Lyrics of Hamari Adhuri Kahani hindi movie songs with the help of this app.