關於Lyrics of Jay Z
Jay Z Lyrics App for almost all songs of Jay Z.
Are you a big fan of Jay Z and his songs ? Are you looking for his songs' lyrics ? Then this app is a perfect choice for you . This Lyrics of Jay Z android app contains LYRICS only and they are sorted by his albums. You can easily browse albums, songs and lyrics using this app.
• Lyrics Only
• No Audio
• No Videos
• Unofficial App
Jay Z: Shawn Corey Carter, known professionally as Jay Z, is an American rapper, businessman and investor. He is one of the most financially successful hip hop artists in America. In 2014, Forbes estimated Jay Z's net worth at nearly $520 million.
Copyright and Disclaimer : All lyrics used in this app are collected from FREE SOURCES and they are now published for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE, FOR ENTERTAINMENT and DISTRIBUTING KNOWLEDGE only . This is an unofficial app. This app and its content are not officially endorsed or produced by, nor associated with or affiliated with the music artist(s) or any associated entities of the artist(s), such as management or record label. All trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.This is how this app does not make any violate the trademark of any music companies.
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