關於Mahakali Mantra
She is black. She is dark. She is enormous. She is fearsome. One of the hymns addressed to her devotee says “walk through your fears to dance with me.” The best of her devotees are those who overcome fear itself including fear of self, fear of life and fear of death. Confronting and worshipping the Goddess in her dark self serves as the act of transcendence over fear and illusion. Because she is the Goddess of illusion. She is the ruler of the illusive time (Kala). She is Kali.
She creates time. She devours it. She defines the transience of life that we see around us. She destroys it. She is Maya. She is Mahamaya. In order to attain her, one needs to transcend the concept of time, look beyond the elusive materialistic world surrounding us. The most hardcore of her devotees take to the severest of the penances to achieve and attain the Goddess and are known as tantrics. More often, tantrics and their methodologies of appeasing the Goddess and to make her the vehicle of salvation are so austere, often they exceed the boundaries of maturity of the common devotee and hence the more mature esoteric content is covered in a different app.
The Mantras of Maha Kali vibrates with Her power and serves as the Divine grace to the beloved o Maha Kali. The chanting of Maha Kali, who is embodiment of the Power of destruction, destroys the enemies of Her beloved and blesses with Ultimate Love and Divine Power. Attain self realization and the level of Divine happiness with the Mantras of Maha Kali.