關於Major League Venue Tracker
跟踪在大聯盟比賽、NHL、NBA、MLB、NFL、MLR 和 MLS 上參觀的場地。
Major League Tracker can be used to track the venues that have been visited to watch domestic American Major League Sports. It is able to track visits to the six major sports;
American Football, NFL American and National Conferences.
Basketball, NBA Eastern and Western Conferences.
Baseball, MLB American and National Leagues.
Ice Hockey, NHL Eastern and Western Conferences.
Soccer, MLS Eastern and Western Conferences.
Rugby, MLR Eastern and Western Divisions.
Try and beat your friends and fellow supporters to the number of venues visited in each sport, or within a league or in total. Enter your home location to calculate the total distance covered to the visited venues.
View maps to show the visited and unvisited venues to help plan your next away day. Select the venue on the map and use Google Maps to find a route or explore places to eat and drink. Enter details about your visits to help with your next visit, the bar you drank in before or after the game or a record of the score and enter the date.
Share your current venue visit status to social media, making a post to Twitter or Facebook.