Easiest way to find share some classy greeting cards for all occasions in one place! Everyone loves to receive a card. Greeting cards is still considered as the truly effective way of telling your feeling to someone. Fresh, new and personalized greeting cards for memorial day & other occasions & events. You name it & you have it!
We have many special days to celebrate life with joy. In this special day if you send a greeting card to your friends, they will be get surprised. Definitely they will be get surprised with your wishes.
In MakeMyGreetings app. we are providing all kind of wishes like Rainy days, Sunday wishes, Morning wishes, Anniversary, Birthday, happy new year... etc. in each category you will find rich collection of greetings images with best quotes & unique text messages.
If you really care for someone you have to spare time for them & should keep in touch with each other more often. Keeping in touch is the key to a good relationship. we are here to make your every even celebration & special occasions more colorful, just have a look what charm we have for you in this amazing greetings app. MakeMyGreetings.
Salient Features:
- We are providing lots of categories like Rainy days, Sunday wishes, Morning wishes, Anniversary, Birthday, Happy New year... etc.
- In every category you will find lots of unique wishes, images & quotes.
- MakeMyGreetings App. helps user to select greeting card from image list. User can also add text & also change text position, font, color & size.
- In this app. personalized card can be saved for later use also.
- You can share your greetings with single touch on Whatsapp, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram , Snapchat, etc.
MakeMyGreetings APK信息
MakeMyGreetings 1.3
MakeMyGreetings 1.2
MakeMyGreetings 1.1