關於Manga Whale - Manga Reader
Free manga/comics reader
What's the Manga Whale app?
- It's the free manga/comics reader.
- It's available for all users in the world.
Why should you choose Manga Whale app?
- There is not any manga/comic limitation even you don't need to pay anything.
- The friendly user-interface.
- The important & necessary features will support you to have the interested experience at your entertainment time.
What are these features?
- Search.
- Save to Favorites.
- Save reading position.
- Discovery the related manga/comic by Authors, Genres.
What is content will be supported?
- Manga Status: Newest, Top View, Completed, Ongoing.
- Latest Manga Release.
- Popular Manga.
- Genres: Cooking, Action, Drama, Fantasy, Adventure, Comdy, Historical, Manhua, Manhwa, Webtoons, ...
- Manga/comic result by searching.
Why do you need to REMOVE THE ADS?
- Installing the app is free. Paying to remove the Ads will help the Team have the budget for development.
How much to REMOVE THE ADS?
- Just equal your breakfast, then remove the ads FOREVER (pay one - use forever)
- It simply aggregates links from internet in a convenient, without storing any manga data on a private server.
- Due to copyrights, the licensed manga are not available for users. And if you think the content of some manga are objectionable, please report it to us.
Love & Thank you!!!