關於चावटपणा - Marathi Chavat Jokes
-ावटपणा-Chavatpana-Marathi Chavat笑話
!! चावटपणा - मराठी चावट जोक्स / Chavatpana - Marathi Chavat Jokes !!
Latest Marathi Chavat Jokes user can share Jokes with friends on any social site or app.
Anytime hits jokes available in Marathi font.
Features of This App
* Big database of Marathi Chavat Jokes.
* Best and smooth design so you can read without any problem.
* Offline App so does not require internet connection.
* Share non veg jokes with all social media apps
* 100% free application
* Beautiful user friendly interface
* Copy to clipboard feature to set status where you want to update (paste).
No special permission required to run this app.
* चावट जोक्स / Chavat Jokes
* नॉनवेज / Non veg
* नवरा बायको जोक्स / Husband Wife Jokes
* मराठी विनोद / मराठी जोक / Marathi Jokes - Vinod
* निळू फुले जोक्स / Nilu Phule Jokes
* दादा कोंडके विनोद / Dada Kondke Jokes