Version 5.15:
- Facebook links now work with the Facebook app.
- Dashboard enhancements and updates for staff.
- If applicable, Chat enhancements and fixes.
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 Mari-Time 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 Mari-Time 所有舊版本。下載 Mari-Time 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
Version 5.15:
- Facebook links now work with the Facebook app.
- Dashboard enhancements and updates for staff.
- If applicable, Chat enhancements and fixes.
Version 5.10:
- Improved Calendar Agenda layout.
- Notifications permissions.
- Administration update.
Version 5.9:
- On Android 11, prompt for push notification permission.
- Improved experience when opening app from a notification.
- Improved offline message viewing.
- Other fixes and enhancements.
Version 5.9:
- On Android 11, prompt for push notification permission.
- Improved experience when opening app from a notification.
- Improved offline message viewing.
- Other fixes and enhancements.
Version 5.8:
- Added End option and Notes field for Hall Pass.
- Staff Contacts can now be accessed via the + icon on the Messages screen.
- When a notification arrives, switch to Messages tab only if user is on a main tab.
- Groups etc tabs now prefixed with "My".
Version 5.7.4: Fix PDF issue.
Version 5.7:
- Removed Assignments. You can access old entries under Help > FAQ > How can I export...
- Calendar list view is now called Agenda.
- Color scheme for category headings has been updated.
- Updated some icon colors on Home tab.
- Fixed app issue after deleting account.
- Fixed Instagram link.
- Streamlined sign in & other fixes.
Version 5.7:
- Removed Assignments. You can access old entries under Help > FAQ > How can I export...
- Calendar list view is now called Agenda.
- Color scheme for category headings has been updated.
- Updated some icon colors on Home tab.
- Fixed app issue after deleting account.
- Fixed Instagram link.
- Streamlined sign in & other fixes.
Version 5.7:
- Removed Assignments feature. You can access old entries under Help > FAQ > How can I export...
- Calendar list view is now called Agenda. All items are now tappable, to ensure you can view long text or access the Share feature.
- The color scheme for category headings (Staff Contacts, Agenda) has been updated.
- Updated some icon colors on Home tab.
- Fixed app issue after deleting account.
- Updates for Android 13.
Version 5.7:
- Removed Assignments feature. You can access old entries under Help > FAQ > How can I export...
- Calendar list view is now called Agenda. All items are now tappable, to ensure you can view long text or access the Share feature.
- The color scheme for category headings (Staff Contacts, Agenda) has been updated.
- Updated some icon colors on Home tab.
- Fixed app issue after deleting account.
- Updates for Android 13.
Version 5.6:
- When signing in with a district email, you no longer have to type the domain.
- Calendar permission is no longer required.
- Minor bug fixes and updates.
Version 5.5:
- Improved optional Quick Share feature may now work with schools/classes/groups.
- App now remembers your preferred Calendar view (month/list).
Version 5.5:
- Improved optional Quick Share feature may now work with schools/classes/groups.
- App now remembers your preferred Calendar view (month/list).
- Other fixes and enhancements.
Version 5.4.7:
- Fixed issue with message list on class/group/school screens.
- Fixed map/directions icon.
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