關於Marine Biology
Are your marine biology exam at the corner? Then our app is just for you!
"Marine Biology" is your personal helper that provides you with all information required. Can you just imagine that with the help of one mobile app you can easily learn marine biology?
Downloading our app you get:
• Dictionary with key terms and their definitions
• Flashcards provided - an easier and smarter way of definitions to be organized and kept in mind
• Visual explanations are also included
• “Term search” allowing you to look for in all sections simultaneously makes the process of learning to be an easy one
• It covers major topics
• Textbook is easy-to-read and easy-to-understand
• The book divided into:
- The general characteristics of the sea shore
- The sea-side naturalist
- Sea angling
- The marine aquarium
- The preservation of marine objects
- Examination of marine objects—dissection
- The protozoa of the sea shore
- British sponges
- The cœlenterates—jelly-fishes, anemones, and their allies
- Starfishes, sea urchins, etc.
- Marine worms
- Marine molluscs
- Marine arthropods
- Marine vertebrates
- Sea weeds
- The flowering plants of the sea-side
Stop being scared, download "Marine Biology"!
Dreaming of aquatic world? Here’s a pocket encyclopedia of a true biologist: study marine zoology, learn species of fish, test your knowledge, find answers for marine problems through exciting lessons.