關於Mech MOD Minecraft PE
Mech MOD for Minecraft PE and traveled around the world playing with the wind!
Set the mode on the cars for Minecraft PE and traveled around the world playing with the wind!
Also in the collection you can find tank mod for MC PE and will be able to raze to the ground the house hated griefers ...
Boats, personal watercraft specifically for water lovers!
But that's not all, you are also waiting for the hoverboard Minecraft - with it you can feel like Marty McFly in the movie Back to the Future!
And if you like to fly like a bird you will approach the planes, a helicopter and even a UFO ...
All this, and not just waiting in Mech MOD for Minecraft PE!
The collection includes:
- Cars
- Planes
- Skate, hoverboard, scooter
- Boats
- Bulldozer
All this for you in Mech MOD for MC PE! Install and you will be amazed by the new opportunities.