關於Medical Drugs Dictionary
Pharma Drug Dictionary is a complete offline source programe having all the information related to drug symptoms
* pharma dictionary will allow you to search any type type of formula related to drugs.
* pharma dictionary lists all type of drugs and to which you can access.
* Drug dictionary shown all the drug category.
* Drug dictionary mentioned all the drugs effect, formula, and uses etc.
Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body works. You've probably heard that drugs are bad for you, but what does that mean and why are they bad?
The biological dictionary on eMedicineHealth is organized with a list of medical terms under each letter. By clicking on a letter, you will jump to the list of words. There, you can browse down the terms to find the word you are looking for. This is especially helpful if you are not sure of the medical spelling (medical misspellings are common). Clicking on the word will take you to the medical definition. If you know the spelling of the medical word you can also use the search box. Type in your word and click the search button to find the definition in the dictionary.
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