MediVoice is your personal healthcare record all stored in a convenient portable place. It provides information for Doctors, Consultants, Nurses and any Healthcare Administrative team in an easy to read form. This is an exceptional App which supports people with any illness.
The passport is especially important for those who suffer from Allergies and long term illness e.g Motor Neurone Disease, ALS, Lou Gehrig's Disease, Parkinson's, MS, Strokes, Heart Disease, Dementia, Cancer and Speech difficulties.
The Healthcare Passport stores measurements of vital signs and should be taken when the patient is:
• Admitted to hospital for any planned or unplanned assessment and treatment
• Attending out-patients appointments
• Visiting GP
• Travelling
The Passport contains all the Medical Staff need to know about existing Illnesses, Medication, Allergies, Contact Information as well as Medical Professionals e.g GP Name and Address. All this without having to ask the patient. This also helps utilise Medical Professionals time in the most efficient manner. The App comes with an easy to use tool to help patients who have Speech Difficulties without transporting larger communication devices everywhere they go. The passport can be used by the patient or by their carers who can keep a log of a patient’s progress each day.
• Communication tool using predictive text (basic user guide below)
• Personal Details
• G.P/Medical Team Information
• Medical Diagnosis
• Vitals Information
• Allergies Information
• Medication Information
• About Me
• Personal Care/Support
No personal information is stored with the developer of this app, nor shared with any third parties. Everything is kept on your phone only.
For every purchase Medivoice will donate to MND, ALS, Parkinson's and Dementia organisations.
Many thanks to Ana Capatina for her help in developing this app.
Communication tool user guide
The MediVoice app is created specifically for patients who have lost the power of movement and speech. Instead of mouthing sequences of letters to make up words and sentences, MediVoice uses numbers on a keypad that correspond to a set of letters. The combination of numbers gives a word using predictive text. Using this technique allows the patient to create sentences that can be shared as a text message using the sharing icon at the top of the screen.
The app comes with a dictionary but some words and names may not be recognised. To add a word to the dictionary simply use the standard keypad or number pad to create the word. Press on the word for 3 seconds and an "add to dictionary" button will appear. Press this button and the word will be added to your personal dictionary. Press the speaker icon to convert text to speech.
Approved by Orcha - the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Applications.