- Removed web-service dependencies
- Added joint-angle animation guides to MekaMotion
- Embedded Motions
- Removed intra-app links
- Fixed some bugs
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 MekaMon 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 MekaMon 所有舊版本。下載 MekaMon 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
- Removed web-service dependencies
- Added joint-angle animation guides to MekaMotion
- Embedded Motions
- Removed intra-app links
- Fixed some bugs
- Support for robot firmware v2.17 (many bugs fixed, and support for Reach Edu)
- Fixed broken materials on some freeplay Mekamon models
- Resolved a number of edge-cases causing crashes in AR
- Fixed issues in AR Playspace generation that led to orphaned planes
- Improved stability of tracking in AR
- Battle Augs were incorrectly shown to non-locked users
- Fixed incorrectly failing CRC checks in battle lobby
- SFX no longer incorrectly play when volume is turned off
- Many minor bug fixes
- MekaMotion tutorial improvements on tablets
- Tweaks to robot tracking and AR setup
- Various other bug fixes
- Fixed MekaMotion tutorial
- Improved Playspace tiling reliability and performance
- Improved performance in Discovery
- Improved audio performance
- Improved interface for team selection in Skirmish
- Fixed virtual model addon rendering
- Fix crashes on devices with limited RAM
* Meteoroids 2.0–now with markerless AR
* AR Freeplay–create a hugely customisable AR game, and battle it out
* AR Survival–battle waves of ranked opponents. How long can you survive?
* Discovery–explore new depths of MekaMon lore
* Holiday themes!
* Huge performance improvements throughout the app
* Improved connectivity with your robot
* Improved AR playspace setup
* Various bug fixes and improvements
- Added VS panel before Skirmish and ARSkirmish
- Skirmish - select your team by choosing a new head colour
- ARSkirmish - added offscreen indicators, and improved the difficulty curve
- Improved the visual feedback/state of the main menu MekaMon
- Added language selection in the main menu
- Firmware update improvements
- AR tracking fixes and improvements
- Various performance improvements, including reducing the likelihood of thermal throttling on some devices
- Various bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where firmware updates could take longer than expected on some devices
- Various performance improvements
- Various bugs fixed
- New ARCore technology stack, new & improved robot tracking
- Battle completely re-designed, with new game mechanics, visuals, and global leaderboard
- UI rewritten from the ground up, including new on-boarding experience
- Play Battle - Skirmish against your friends locally, or Battle - Skirmish AR against remote avatars
- Deeper interactions with your robot, with loadouts and hardware-specific visuals
- Get a taste for MekaMon with a virtual AR robot!
- Hotfix for rendering issue on some devices in Meteoroids.
- Robot update: this build brings with it new software for your robot! Hugely improved directional accuracy for AR games, more natural idle animations, improved performance, lower-latency communications, clearer rear LED states. Note that robot now requires 4 legs to operate.
- Some login changes. Better password management, less annoying EULA and Ts&Cs, and GDPR compliance updates (including opt-in choices for marketing and update emails).
- Some UI tidy-up
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