關於Memory Cleaner
App-lock,CPU Cooler,Ram Cleaner,緩存和應用數據清理器和釋放內存
Memory cleaner will clean your Mobile Device Cache, App data, redundant and useless files including left over files by the apps which are uninstalled. Memory Cleaner not just cleans memory but free's device ram, clears cache, clears app data,boosts phone and cool down's the CPU.
Memory Cleaner is all in one app that's why it is included in the best android cleaner 2019. It was created after inspiring from Clean Master and we decided make a lite app with more features then the Clean Master.
Memory cleaner focus's on Making your android device junk free, fast and furious. It has some advanced features which you can use to delete old images, videos and files which you are not using since a while.
Memory Cleaner Enables users to lock their applications to protect their device to be
accessed by someone else. Memory Cleaner Provides Firewall to protect its users from
internet virus.
You can filter by last Used, File size, extension and date.
clear cache (Cache Cleaner)
clear app data
Ram booster (Ram Cleaner)
CPU Cooler
Firewall (security master)
Clean Unused Images,video and files (Media cleaner)
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