Metric Track
5.0 and up
Android OS
關於Metric Track
View and log dozens of values available from your device.
This app shows all of your device's metrics and allows you to refresh the log to view again. Each refresh logs the metrics at that time and allows you to send an email to yourself (or someone else) to help you keep track of the information.
Here are some of the metrics available in the app:
- battery level
- username
- phonename
- osname
- osversion
- model
- brightness
- gpsenable
- gpslatitude
- gpslatitudedegree
- gpslongitude
- gpslongitudedegree
- carrier
- screenwidth
- screenheight
- systemuptime
- multitaskingenabled
- proximitysensorenabled
- pluggedin
- devicetime
- deviceregion
- devicelanguage
- devicecurrency
- timezone
- headphonesattached
- accessoriesattached
- nameattachedaccessories
- attachedaccessoriescount
- totalspace
- freespace
- usedspace
- carriervoip
- deviceorientation
- rammemory
- usedram
- freeram
- wiredram
- purgeram
- activeram
- inactiveram
- wificonnect
- cellnetworkaccount
- internalip
- externalip
- networktype
- debuggerattached
- deviceid
- bluetoothonoff
- wifiname
- jailbroken
- processorcount
- activeprocessorcount
- cpuusagesystem
- cpuusageuser
- gpsaltitude
- gpsfloor
- gpshorizontalaccuracy
- gpsverticalaccuracy
- heading
- speed
- compass
- decibel
- barometer
- isaccelerometeravailable
- acceleration.x
- acceleration.y
- acceleration.z
- seismometer
- isgyroavailable
- isdevicemotionavailable
- ismagnetometeravailable
- distancetravelled
- currentcallvolume
- currentcalldecibel
- currentcalldurationseconds
- country
- address
- memoryusage
- angle
- dataconnection
- connectionspeed