關於Mian Biwi Main Mohabbat Wazifa
綿Biwi主要Mohabbat KA Wazifa
Humanity is the quality of being kind, thoughtful, and sympathetic towards others. A person's humanity istheir state of being a human being, rather than an animal or an object.Islam is a relegion where Muslimsbeleive in one Allah(God) and the last Prohet Muhammad (S.A.W). Islamic teachings on humanity andhuman welfare have been codified in the religious book Quran. Education is very important in Islam . As the Holly Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) says “It is obligatory for every Muslim, man and woman to acquire knowledge”. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) took a keen interest in promoting education among the Muslims and availed of every possible opportunity to achieve this object.
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