轉速 - 更改星系的旋轉速度(無,慢速,中速,快速)
星光編號 - 調整的明星群體星系(比例較低意味著更高的FPS)
查看 - 兩種觀點的星系:透視和Top
縮放 - 你可以放大和縮小在任何兩個視圖(縮小意味著更高的FPS)
模擬刷卡 - 檢查這個,如果你不想切換
設置壁紙後,請雙擊屏幕來打開設置菜單。不要再使用設置壁紙(較上年壁紙 - 這是團結的錯誤)。
★ Customization settings ★
Rotation Speed - Change the rotation speed of the galaxy (None, Slow, Medium, Fast)
Number of Stars - Adjust the star population of the galaxy (lower percentages mean higher FPS)
Views - two views of the galaxy: Perspective and Top
Zoom - you can zoom in and out in any of the two views (zooming out means higher FPS)
Simulate swipe - Check this if you don't want to play the wallpaper animation when switching homescreens
★ Tips ★
Don't panic if you see the Open button disabled (right after installation). The wallpaper has been installed successfully, check your live wallpapers.
After setting the wallpaper please double tap the screen to open up the Settings menu. Do not use the set wallpaper again (over the same wallpaper - this is a bug with Unity).
If you encounter a black screen (with no loading splash screen) right after touching the Set Wallpaper button, either give it some time to load or clear your memory and try setting the wallpaper again.
Updated splash screen