關於Mining Observer
挖掘觀察者 - 檢查不同池中礦工的簡單應用
Mining Observer - simple application for checking miners on different pool.
Watch your mining rigs from your mobile. This application shows the current speed, balance and a lot of various information. With the notification function, you will always know about problem mining.
Main features:
- reported hashrate
- average hashrate
- hashrate change
- unpaid balance
- speed down notification
- forced notification for android 6.0+
- widgets
- earnings calculator (hous, day, week, month, year)
- etc.
Supported pools:
Ethermine, Flypool, Nanopool, Dwarfpool, Suprnova, Mine.pro (zenmine.pro, etcmine.pro, expmine.pro, hushmine.pro, zclmine.pro), Coinmine, Pool.mn, Miningpoolhub, Nicehash, F2Pool, SupportXMR, HashVault, MineXMR, UMine, YiiMP, AltMiner, MoneroHash, Monero.crypto-pool, XMRpool.eu, Zhash.pro, Zpool.ca, SiaMining, Minerpool, Litecoinpool, Minerpoolgold, XMRpool.net, Ahashpool, Hashrefinery, Easyhash, Sberex, Crypto-coins, Smartcash (eu), Bsod, Mineproject, Antpool, Electromine (fr), Miningspeed, Unimining, Luckpool, Moneroocean, Moriaxmr, Arcpool, 2Miners, Karbowanec, Spacepool, Protopool, Hashfaster, Nosekefik, Starpool, Ethpool, Fairhash, Bytecoin (uk), Luxor, Zergpool, Phi-Phi-pool, Croat.pool, Krbpool, Hashpool, Antminepool, Bilbotel, Tiny-pool, Yiimp.gos, Coinminers, Miningpool.shop, Axepool, Blazepool, Hash4.Life, Fairpool, Bitcorepool, Slushpool, Pool.sexy, Pool.ellaism(org), Lpool.name, D3pool, Anorak.tech, ThreeEyed, RavenMiner, Blake2s, Idcray, Talerpool, Cryptopoolparty, Miningpanda, Etherdig, Blockcruncher, Omegapool, Coinblockers, Angrypool, Pickaxe, Blockmasters, Viabtc, Altpool, Minpool, Equipool, Cryptoknight, Sparkpool, Dodopool, MinerRocks, BaikalMine, Sandpool, Hiveon, Solopool, Callistopool, Nlpool, Icemining, Whalesburg, Pool.BTC, Aionpool, Minermore, Blockfoundry, Mintpond, Equihub, Maxhash, Nicehash NEW.
Supported coins: BTC, ETH, ETC, EXP, DCR, LBC, ZEC, ZCL, SIA, XMR, PASC, SIGT, HUSH, ETN, KRB, BTG etc...
The program will be periodically updated with adding new functionality and support new pool.