Miracle in The World
2.3.3 and up
Android OS
關於Miracle in The World
Not only the Great Wall in China or the Colosseum in Rome, Italy which is a miracle in the world. It turns out that in the world still store buildings or places rated as having a miracle and staying sustainable until now.
Valley of Love, Republik Irlandia
The Great Pyramid of Giza, Mesir
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Irak
The light House of Alexander, Mesir
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Turki
Statue of Zeus Olympia, Yunani
The Colossus of Rhodes, Rhodes
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Turki
Derinkuyu, Turki
Newgrange, Republik Irlandia
This app is free and can be used in offline mode or not using the internet at all. In addition, this application is lightweight. so do not make your smartphone to be slow. This application is also responsive and can be used in all types of your smartphone.
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