關於MN File Explorer
MN File Explorer將探索幾乎所有類型的文件。
This application is designed to explore almost all kind of files, which are used in these days like PDF, text , Excel, Images, even it can open audio and video files. We have seen alot of applications but these application are unable to open audio or video file, we have inserted this feature in this application. This application will cater all your needs which should be full filled by an explorer.
Files listing
Image viewer, music and video player
PDF viewer
HTML viewer
Code syntax highlighter
Save recently viewed and favorite items
Supported file types and extensions -
Media files:
Audio files - "mp3", "oog", "wav", "mid", "m4a", "amr"
Image files - "png", "jpg", "gif", "bmp", "jpeg", "webp", "svg"
Video files - "mp4", "3gp", "mkv", "webm", "flv", "m4v"
Document files:
PDF files - "pdf"
Open document formats - "odt", "ott", "odp", "otp", "ods", "ots", "fodt", "fods", "fodp"
Zip Archive (zip)
SQLite File (sqlite)
Text files and code files (with syntax highlighting):
"ascii", "asm", "awk", "bash", "bat", "bf", "bsh", "c", "cert", "cgi", "clj", "conf", "cpp", "cs", "css", "csv", "elr", "go", "h", "hs", "htaccess", "htm", "html", "ini", "java", "js", "json", "key", "lisp", "log", "lua", "md", "mkdn", "pem", "php", "pl", "py", "rb", "readme", "scala", "sh", "sql", "srt", "sub", "tex", "txt", "vb", "vbs", "vhdl", "wollok", "xml", "xsd", "xsl", "yaml", "iml", "gitignore", "gradle"
Any other file with mime type text