關於Mobile Resume - Free CV maker
Welcome to Mobile Resume
Mobile Resume is a job website and free cv maker. What makes Mobile resume among the top websites and mobile apps in the world is its vision to support sustainability through innovation by encouraging people to go digital. Mobile Resume has launched an initiative to Go green and reduce printing cv’sand save paper by creating a system that will allow you to use your phone number as your resume which means no more printing cv’s, you will only need a phone number or even an Email ID “your phone number is your resume”.
Mobile resume as a job website will allow recruiters to search through our cv database with multiple filters in order to simplify the process and filter out the candidates according to their job requirements. Not only that, the recruiter can post new job vacancieson the job website the good old fashioned way and allow job seekers to apply using their resume that they have created on Mobile Resume free cv maker.
Through Mobile Resume, job seekers will be able to create an online cvin minutes through the free cv maker and choose from the various templates available. The job seeker will be able to apply directly to jobs posted on Mobile resume using that cv or download it directly to their device. Our cvtemplates on the free cv maker are created by professionals to meet the requirements of the market as it ranges from free basic templates to purchasable premium templates. Once you create a cv a unique URL will be associated with your profile, that you can share on your social media accounts.
Why Share your unique URL? Every time you share your unique URL, you get referral points which can be redeemed to buy templates or visibility points which can be redeemed to apply for jobs.