關於More Baby Mobs Addon Mod for MCPE
More Baby Mobs Addon Mod adds the possibility to breed 11 different baby mobs. Some of the new baby mobs include a baby creeper and a baby skeleton. It’s not as easy as just spawning them with spawn eggs, instead you have to go through a process of breeding which is really cool.
Begin by killing some villagers to obtain at least two breeding apples
Next you need to capture two of the mobs which you want to use for breeding. Here are the mobs which can be used for breeding (in the list you’ll also see an item for each mob and that item is used for growing the baby to an adult):
Blaze (grow up: Blaze Rod)
Cave Spider (grow up: Spider Eye)
Creeper (grow up: Gun Powder)
Enderman (grow up: Glowstone Dust)
Guardian (grow up: Prismarine Shard)
Guardian Elder (grow up: Prismarine Crystals)
Skeleton (grow up: Bone)
Spider (grow up: Spider Eye)
Stray (grow up: Bone)
Wither Skeleton (grow up: Coal)
Wither Boss (grow up: Coal)
In this case I decided to use two creepers. While holding the breeding apples long-tap on the screen to select a creeper to feed it with an apple. Once you’ve fed both creepers they will make love and soon a baby creeper will be born. The same process works for any of the mobs in the list further up.
To make a baby grow up to become an adult you can feed the baby its mob
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