This app provides sounds with various frequencies and mosquito information.
About mosquitoes:
There are more than 3,500 known mosquito species all around the world, and they all react in slightly different ways to the specific frequencies.
Given that all mosquitoes make sounds and those occasionally annoying tones are produced from the beating of their wings, the sounds can be wide-ranging and vary between males and females (usually 250 ~ 1,000 Hz for females and 400 ~ 1,200 Hz for males).
It has not been scientifically verified, but some people insist that once a female mosquito that sucks out your blood has mated, she is said to actively avoid contact with males.
About the app:
MosquitoBye provides reading materials with various information on mosquitoes, including how to keep mosquitoes out of your yard as well as interesting facts about this annoying insect.
The app also comes with the sound of the mosquito’s natural predator, classical music with modified frequencies, and various tones from 400 Hz to 1200 Hz, some of which are at similar frequencies to those made by the wings of male mosquitos.
The sounds you can choose will have frequencies of 400 Hz, 500 Hz, 600 Hz, 700 Hz, 800 Hz, 900 Hz, 1000 Hz, 1100 Hz, and 1200 Hz, so that you have a broad scope of frequencies you can try out to listen to.
Remain at the volume level that allows you to listen to a 1,000 Hz tone without discomfort, and do not stray too far above this level, even if you can’t hear much.