關於Mr. Silent, Auto silent mode
Mr. Silent, Auto Silent Mode
Mr.Silent is an Android application, offers solution to those who wish to keep their mobile phones on silent mode for specific geographical locations, time, occasions and for specific contacts.
You simply need to provide the desired conditions - occasions, times and geographical locations when you would like to keep your mobile silent.
Condition Based Features
• Time Based Conditions
You can add ‘Start Time’ and ‘End Time’ during which you want your mobile go silent. It can be repeated on daily, weekly and monthly basis including customized options.
• Calendar Event Based Conditions
You can add date and time of any calendar event that is important for you and you wish to turn your mobile silent on that occasion.
• Contact Type Based Conditions
You can categorize your contact details into ’White List’ and ‘Black List’, in which white list will define contacts important to you and black list comprises those contacts you would like to avoid.
Once you have done this setting, your mobile will go to silent mode when it will receive calls from black listed contacts and ring only when receive calls from white listed contacts.
• Location Based Conditions
You can select multiple locations where you want to set your mobile to go silent and can also enable or disable the locations anytime.
Other Features:
• Multiple GEO location support
• Add your desired location by pressing the ‘Add Location’ button
• Users can specify radius for locations
• Option to change & save a location
• Gives alert to change your phone mode into silent mode when reaching defined time slot and event slot
• Quickly add and remove the contacts and add calendar events
• Can change the application settings as required
• Attractive dashboard to view the predefined time, event, contact lists and geographical locations
Value to Users
This Android application will enable you to save different locations, time slot, events and contact details and instruct their device to remain silent on those predefined conditions. You don’t need to remember these conditions anymore when you’d like to put your mobile in silent mode, this’ll be done by the device.
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- Some new features (inApp purchase required)
1). Added new six themes
2). Now user can edit the events added by Google calendar
3). User can add time while saving locations
4). User can mute/vibrate individual records