關於MS Books - O/A Level Resources
Exams coming up? Haven't purchased notes or papers yet? We're here for you!
MS Books is an eCommerce app for O/A Level Resources! Some features of the applications are:
- Teachers' Resources
Find notes and pastpapers written/compiled by the most renowned teachers in the town
- Past Papers (Solved/Unsolved)
Find out past papers either solved or unsolved for all O & A Level subjects from the app
- Past Papers (Yearly/Topical)
Past papers arranged in both yearly and topical format
- O&A Levels Textbooks
Textbooks by Cambridge, Oxford and other authorized publishers available right from the app
- Redspot Topicals
Find topical series by RedSpot Publishers (most renowned topical series in the country)
- Custom Past Papers
Make your own past papers bundle by selecting different years and variations and get it published in a ring binding form without having to spend thousands on resources you don't need
- Custom Book Order
Order any book right from application by just dropping the title, author or the cover image. We'll find it for you, no matter how long we have to travel.
- Printing Order (For Teachers)
Teachers can use the application to order their own resource in printed form, delivered at their table before their class in the morning.
- Cash on Delivery / Free Shipping
Not only the cash on delivery but let us tell you that we're offering 100% free delivery to any corner in the country.
So, are you exams coming up? Download the application now from store and order your required notes, acknowledged by the top schools in the country .
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