Music App
關於Music App
這是一個使用免版稅音樂曲目的 MP3 播放器技術演示器。
This application is an MP3 player technology demonstrator which utilizes a php management system to allow admin crud functionality from an accompanying website hosted on
This application provides functionality to allow the user to like tracks.
This application provides functionality to allow the user to dislike tracks.
This application provides functionality to record how many times a track is played as if this was not a technology demonstrator and instead was a commercial application then after 30 seconds of play a royalty fee would then be owed to the music track creator and hence the amount of times a track is played is logged in the database to allow this to be calculated however this is not needed in this technology demonstrator as the tracks utilized are royalty free and simply used to demonstrate potential functionality.
The MP3 tracks this app plays are royalty free tracks provided by who have been credited below.
"Music: from"
• JSON Feed Driven
• Utilizes Recycler View
• Utilizes data and images from server
• Utilises prepared SQL statement on Server
• Picasso used for image download
• Volley used to request data
• Includes Buffering Progress Indicator
• Includes functionality for likes
• Includes functionality for dislikes
• Includes functionality for recording number of times each track is played
• Uses services, broadcasts and bindings to increase efficiency and stability
Music App歷史版本
Music App 3.0