關於my9 Top 40 : US music charts
Keep track of the Top 40, watch the official YouTube music videos, preview & buy songs from Amazon, check out the stars' tweets, websites & Facebook page - all in one awesome App!
featuring: Ariana Grande, Calvin Harris, Coldplay, Echosmith, Ed Sheeran, Foo Fighters, Hozier, Iggy Azalea, Maroon 5, Meghan Trainor, Miley Cyrus, OneRepublic, Pitbull, Pharrell Williams, Sam Smith, Selena Gomez, Sia, Taylor Swift & many more…
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• scroll down from 40 to number 1
• preview the hits & fast tap to buy from Amazon
• watch the full YouTube videos
• view the singers & bands websites, Twitter, Facebook & Wikipedia pages
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• regular charts updates - just tap the green button when it appears
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