- Fixed reported issues & Other improvements
- Option to change text settings in the settings screen
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 MyBible 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 MyBible 所有舊版本。下載 MyBible 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
- Fixed reported issues & Other improvements
- Option to change text settings in the settings screen
- Changed design to the menu screen
- Option to change text settings in the settings screen
- Fixed the issue of displaying missing hymns
- Fixed reported issues & Other improvements
- Changed design to the menu screen
- Option to change text settings in the settings screen
- Fixed language selection issue on Android 14
- Fixed reported issues & Other improvements
- Changed design to the menu screen
- Option to change text settings in the settings screen
- Fixed language selection issue on Android 14
- Fixed reported issues & Other improvements
- Changed design to the menu screen
- Option to change text settings in the settings screen
- Fixed language selection issue on Android 14
- Added native Media Player for Devotionals and Books
- Resume playing audio files from the last remaining position
- Default download of all Bible studies from the quarter
- When opening other references in the text of the comment, when pressing ``back'', redirection to the previous verse comment
- Fixed language selection issue on Android 14
- Added native Media Player for Devotionals and Books
- Resume playing audio files from the last remaining position
- Resume reading textbooks / PDFs from the last remaining position
- Default download of all Bible studies from the quarter
- When opening other references in the text of the comment, when pressing `back`, redirection to the previous verse comment
- Solving problems reported by users
- Added native Media Player for Devotionals and Books
- Resume playing audio files from the last remaining position
- Resume reading textbooks / PDFs from the last remaining position
- Add favorite verses by default to the last used category
- Default download of all Bible studies from the quarter
- When opening other references in the text of the comment, when pressing `back`, redirection to the previous verse comment
- Added native Media Player for Devotionals and Books
- Resume playing audio files from the last remaining position
- Resume reading textbooks / PDFs from the last remaining position
- Add favorite verses by default to the last used category
- Default download of all Bible studies from the quarter
- When opening other references in the text of the comment, when pressing `back`, redirection to the previous verse comment
- Other display and navigation improvements
• Reluare citire cărți text de la ultima poziție rămasă
• Reluare citire cărți PDF de la ultima poziție rămasă
• Rezolvare oprire aplicație la distribuirea imaginii de la versetul zile pe Android 9
- devoțional: afișare player audio și YouTube când sunt disponibile
- rezolvată problema de afișare partitură PDF la imnurile cu același nume
- la deschidere imn din ecranul principal, la apăsare `înapoi` redirecționare către indexul imnurilor
- îmbunătățiri la tema neagră
- îmbunătățiri de afișare pe ecranul principal
- căutare imnuri cu sau fără diacritice
- îmbunătățiri de functionalitate pentru limba engleză și maghiară
- îmbunătățiri de stabilitate pentru Android 14
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