This application is just my CV as an Android application. It just aims to be a sandbox for me to test and try new techniques and libraries related to Android development.
It also gives a short glimpse of my Android development skills.
The entire source code is available on the following Github repository:
Currently the main characteristics are:
* use of Material Design
* use of different Support Libraries like AppCompat, Design Support Library, CardView, Toolbar, RecyclerView
* all the images related stuff is handled by Glide
* Volley for the networking
* POJO/JSON mapping with Gson
* use of Google Maps API
* Android Wear companion app
* use of JUnit for unit testing
* use of Espresso for instrumental testing
Future enhancements:
* small backend powered by AppEngine Endpoint
* a tablet optimized layout
* more tests
* use of a database with an ORM
* use of ProGuard for production APK
New images and icons in the app