關於NallaNeram Tamil Dina Calendar
應用發現吉時按泰米爾日報日曆。 Nalla Neram,RahuKalam。
Find out Auspicious time (Nalla Neram), Day, Tamil month and Tamil date as per Traditional Tamil Daily Calendar for 1000 years and even for the future years. Accurate time finder with easy to use Interface classified into Auspicious time for morning as well as evening separately, Rahu (Raahu Kaalam) and Yama Gandam.
The predictions are as per Hindu Tamil Panchangam. This can used both online and offline. The interface opens with Today's Auspicious time (Current day's Nalla Neram). It has a date select option so you can find Nalla Neram, Rahu of any day as per the Tamil daily calendar.
This Tamil Dina Calendar can be used even in Offline mode without any Internet connection for lifetime.
இன்றைய நல்ல நேரம், இராகு காலம் எளிதில் கண்டுபிடிக்க...
Soon to be updated:
- Thithi
- Soolam
- Karanam
- Parikaram
- Special days like Pradosham, Sashti, etc
- Festival Days
- National Holidays
Soon Thithi is introduced, you will be able to find out Amavasai and Pournami..!
Stay tuned and get our updates..!
Now you can find Ashtami / Navami, Ammavasai/Pournami very easily.
Thithi Calculations are added.
Bug Fixes.