關於Nearby Best Cafes & Restaurants Finder
This is a Directory App for Finding the Cafe and Restorants Nearby.
This is a directory apps which outlined all the cafés and restorants in Malaysia and also for the coffee and café lover easy to find and enjoy all the unique and comfort café and nice food at the one and only café at any place.
How to use this Directory Apps
Go to the Directory Tab, Open it, find a interested or nearby Cafés or Restorants and tab on it. It will opening to a more detail page which is consist of the cafés or restorants Name, Address, Location, Photo , Email, Contact, Type of Business and Opening Hours.
How to store the café location and share to other people
Go to the Admin Tab, Open it, Apply an account, fill up all the information or promote your own café or restorants at here for free.