This mobile application is an extension of our Netschool platform. It allows parent and teacher students to communicate effectively and be connected to the platform at all times
Teachers: Manage your class with one click via a mobile app with an intuitive interface
Managing class time jobs
Save absences
Inform students' grades
Mention the schedule of homework, exercises and exams
Post classes and exercises
Communication with parents and students
Parents: Follow your child's school journey on a daily basis and react before it's too late
Your children's registrations
Managing registration fees
Tracking payments
Tracking disciplinary remarks and events in school life (delay, punishment, etc.) followed by school work and evaluations
Check out absences
View the notebook and school results
Follow the schedule of homework, exercises and exams
Track ratings from evaluations
Communication with teachers and management
Student: Take charge of your destiny and give yourself every chance of academic success
Check the timetable
Follow the school's news
Follow the schedule of homework, exercises and exams
Check your ratings from the evaluations
Send homework online to teachers
Events in school life (delay, punishment, etc.)
Our application continues to be actively developed and offers new features. Please send us your wishes for improvement to http://netlinkstar.com/index.php/contact-netlink/