關於Noodles Chinese Recipes
Very different from many Western pasta and noodles, Chinese noodles are made with lightly salted pasta, for this reason it does not require adding more salt when they are boiled in water. In addition, Chinese noodles usually cook faster, generally require less than 5 minutes to reach the state al dente. In fact some noodles reach this state in less than a minute, being ready to serve.
We present this Application "Chinese Noodle Recipes" with the assurance that it will be very useful when tasting the exquisite Chinese food.
Delicious for its flavor, presentation and the magic of colors that it implies, Chinese food is desired in all regions of our global village.
We invite you to download the application on your smarphone and have it ready when it comes to pleasing the palate of your friends, partner or just to enjoy it
We select the most innovative recipes, whose ingredients can be found in stores in any city. The important thing is to prepare and savor them.
You will find recipes for vegans, omnivores, vegetarians ... Anyway ... for all tastes!
We will update it regularly to make it more useful and attractive
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