關於Nostradamus: Prophetic Letter to His Son
This app contains a prophetic letter written by the famous astrologer Nostradamus to his son Cesar, constituting a Preface or introduction to his predictive quatrains. The letter gives insight into Nostradamus' divinatory methods, interpretations of his prophecies, and his considerations on divine insight and spiritual inspiration from God as pertaining to the gift of prophecy. Interestingly, in the letter the seer also appeared to regard his prophecies to be in accordance and agreement with the revelations of the Bible, although Biblical scholars may find this point arguable. Fascinating for anyone researching Nostradamus, Armageddon, the Apocalypse, clairvoyance, and future predictions! Translated into English from the original French.
Who was Nostradamus?
Michel de Nostredame (1503–1566) was a French physician, astrologer, and reputed seer, who is best known for his book Les Propheties, a collection of 942 poetic quatrains allegedly predicting future events. The book was first published in 1555. In the years since the publication of his prophecies, Nostradamus has attracted a large number of supporters and followers who credit him with having accurately predicted many major world events, including the French Revolution and the rise of Hitler. However, most academic sources reject the notion that Nostradamus had any genuine supernatural prophetic abilities and maintain that the popular associations made between world events and Nostradamus' vague, nebulous, and metaphorical quatrains are the result of misinterpretation or mistranslation (sometimes deliberate).
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