關於OAU E-commerce
OAU Ecommerce是一款幫助非統組織學生拓展校園業務的應用程序
OAU E-commerce is a social app that helps OAU students to buy and sell on OAU campus.
Post Advert of what you want to sell, also if you run a business on campus, then you should post and manage your store(s). We will help you get and retain customers.
Some of the exciting features of the app include
⦁ Phone authentication (Login with your phone number)
⦁ Upload and Manage Adverts
⦁ Upload and Manage Store(s)
⦁ Search Ad, Store or Seller and apply filter in search
⦁ Choose your favorite theme (Light, Classic or Fancy)
⦁ Favorite Advert & Bookmark store
⦁ follow other seller and get followers too
⦁ Get feeds due to sellers you follow
⦁ Facebook, Whatsapp & Instagram integration
⦁ Review seller
⦁ Share links to advert, store & account page.
⦁ Realtime chat with potential buyers in chat rooms
⦁ Push notification for the Ad seller on new message in chat room
* offline capability
This app is developer for only OAU students, If you want similar app for your school send us a mail on [email protected].
Our similar app include UNILAG E-commerce.
if your school have eportal, then you can have e-commerce. Send us a mail now