關於ODL Directory
ODL Directory is a free app available for Android smartphones and tablets. ODL Directory uses your phones internet to login to the app as user or admin.
ODL Directory provides the facility to those Trainee Teachers who wants to view their results with respect to the Semesters online through an mobile application. ODL Directory provides:
ODL District and Study Centre – User choose from the list of districts and study centre's to get the name of the respective Resource Person and their details like name,mobile no and paper code.
District Coordinator – User can search for the District Coodinator's name,cell no and location by selecting a district from the district list.
Trainee Teachers – The details of the Trainee Teachers like name,mobile number and district can be obtained along with their marks in the selected Semesters.
State Task Force (STF) Members – Names, mobile numbers and alloted district of the STF Members can be obtained according to the district.
ODL State Officials – ODL State Officials name,mobile number and alloted district can also be obtained from this Android Application.