關於Okra Cultivation IIHR
The Mobile app on Okra crop cultivation has been developed for Android OS platform with navigational menu, which provides crop management solutions.
The mobile app features following details for crop cultivation:
• Crop production aspects
• Disease management
• Pest management
• Varieties
The Crop production viz. land preparation, Manure and fertilizers, Sowing time, Spacing seed rate, irrigation, Yield, Fertigation, Harvesting and Post harvest management etc., available.
The Disease and Pest management includes various diseases and pests affecting Okra crop describing its symptoms and control measures to be taken by the farmers for better management of their crop and IDM & IPM strategies also provided. Further, IIHR released Okra varieties and hybrids along with salient features are also included, the other promising varieties also included.
The FAQ section provides details on seed availability, abiotic stress etc.,
A query window for farmers related to crop cultivation is available to post the cultivation problems, All these farmers queries are received by mail and reply will be communicated by Email by domain experts.