關於One Cleaner X - Phone Booster
One Cleaner X 是一款出色的 Android 手機加速應用
🏆One Cleaner X is an amazing Android phone boost app, focusing on phone speed booster, junk files cleaner, battery saver and CPU cooler. This app can clear ram files to optimize your phone storage space. One Cleaner X can also boost phone effectively, cool down phone temperature and save battery power to offer fast and smooth user experience. Download this one-tap smart phone booster now to get rid of slow running! One Cleaner X can make your phone faster than ever.
One Cleaner X Core FEATURES:
🚀Amazing Phone Booster
One Cleaner X can help you scan background apps smartly and to free up memory, speed up your mobile in just one tap. It can free up files & make phone lighter & faster, hence make the experience on Android phone more comfortable. Professional App cleaner, freeing up a lot of phone memory!
🔋Battery Saver
Battery Saver will help you to reduce your device battery consumption with hibernating applications that are not in use. It adds up to 60% lifetime. Just one tap can save electricity and help Android phone away from the low-battery trouble!
🤩Junk Cleaner Master
The presence of a large number of small junk files is bad for the performance of the Android system. One Cleaner X will remove unnecessary files that are taking up disk space and slowing down your device. Powerful analytic algorithm will identify junk data and clean the device from app leftovers, cache, temporary files and more. And also helps to remove cache data from messaging apps like Whatsapp without losing important data. One touch - and your device's disk space will be cleaned of garbage!
🧊CPU Cooler & Cool Down Phone Temperature
One Cleaner X can smartly detect and shut down background apps to cool down the CPU temperature, drop your phone temperature, free up phone usage and protect your phone from overheated. Cooler, comfortable and flash freezing phone experience start from free master app One Cleaner X!
💞One Cleaner X can save more space for your Android phone with its phone booster, files cleaner, battery saver and CPU cooler. One-tap to clear junk files to save space of social networking services apps. One Cleaner X can optimize space and speed up your phone with just one tap. With One Cleaner X, you will have a better clear app experience in watching videos, playing games, and chatting with your friends. Download this super magic phone clear app to greatly improve your phone speed!