This application is a scanner for open WiFi Hotspots. Only open WiFi's will be shown with which you can connect directly. You can run this application also in the background and you will be notified if an open WiFi comes in range. Discovered WiFi's will be shown on the scan list with the corresponding signal strength indicator. The connection to open WiFi's will be on your own risk. I also can't guarantee that a open WiFis you discovered will have an internet access.
The main features of this application are:
- Fast scan-cycle (in settings you can put it on fast mode)
- Only open WiFi's are shown on the scan list (you get only the information you want).
- You will be notified if an open WiFi Hotspot comes in range (you can also disable it in settings).
- Signal strength indicator for each WiFi
- Runs also in the background (only if you quit the application over the home button).
- Quick access to the APP over the status bar notification (if the APP is running in the background)
- Current connected WiFi info .
This application is a beta version and still under development. There may be bugs and I can't guarantee that OP-WiFi is working on all devices as it should. This is a private free time project, so I can't promise that possible bugs will be fixed very fast, but I will constantly working on this application to improve user experience.
If you like this APP or if you have a suggestion write me an Email, I will be happy to hear from you.
Note: Because of changes on WiFi handling in Android 6.0 this app now requires access to the approximate location (network-based) in order to provide support for Android 6.0.