關於Open Bar!
《Open Bar!》 是一個讓您時刻樂在其中、充滿法式雞尾酒風情的拼圖邏輯遊戲。
"This is a puzzle game that I will be playing for a long time to come." ~ AppAdvice (*****)
"Open Bar [...] is a new puzzle game which has a lot to offer and helps you relax instead of annoying you." ~ AppsRumors (*****)
"You better check out how good it looks in motion." ~ Pocket Gamer
"Open Bar is a game that, beyond a set of fantastically designed puzzles, looks awesome." ~ AntyApps
"This is one of the best-looking puzzles that I played in a very long time." ~ Just Good Bites
* 極華麗的動態設計動畫
* 教人一聽上癮的配樂及耳目一新的音效設計
* 這是要多少有多少的「Open bar」,讓您盡情暢玩!
* 未能解難?不怕,隨時為您送上提示
只須三步就能做出美味的雞尾酒組合,讓您成功過關!太簡單?不用擔心,不論您只有 1 分鐘還是 1 小時的遊戲時間,您都一定能遇上更多挑戰。