‘Ostello’ is an endeavor to aid the people coming from all the walks of the nation by furnishing them with the best available hostels/PGs in the city of Raipur. It is an effort which aims at cognizing people with the best hostels/PG along with the services furnished by them, monthly rental, contact information, address and apparent snaps of the hostels/PGs in the whole city of Raipur, Chhattisgarh.
“Every tree has a seed, rain has a cloud, and action has a reason hence
every idea has a MOTIVATION.”
The motivation which laid to the genesis of this android application,’Ostello’ is the tacky system of hostel allotment in the majority of colleges in India. Some of the students get the hostel according to the conventional constraints, but plethora are left with no option than getting accommodated in a room/pg or private hostel, some of which are way better than the college hostels.
The students and the working class bachelors are from the provinces round the globe, who be completely new to the very town they step in to embark their career. They have got no clue regarding the location, services, rental tariff of the rooms/PGs or hostels available which can meet the best of their needs. As they need to settle immediately because of certain subtle circumstances, they are unable to hook them up in the suitable room which could have been available to them and eventually, they make certain compromises with their mundane needs.
Hence, for the sake of the folks who are novice to the town, ‘Mario’s Ostello’ will enact as their hostel/room guide in order to satiate them with the best suitable room available as per their fiscal, emotional and psychological allusion. ‘Ostello’ intend to fill that void of hospitality and guidance which a person longs for whenever he/she is new to any town of the country.
Mario’s Ostello - -is all about facilitating people who need accommodation as well as the hostel/room owners with the plethora of benefits and privileges. The most prior service furnished by ‘Ostello’ is the listing of all the girls and boys hostels/PGs of the town into a smartphone wherein just in few minutes, a person can get know of all the suitable hostels to him along with all the other required information. Simultaneously it facilitates the advertisement of the hostels. Secondly, there comes the very essential & ecological aspect and that’s none other than saving ‘Paper’ and hence saving ‘Life’. As we all are already aware of the humongous number of the trees which are cut down every annum in the inevitable sustenance of the paper industry. Mostly, people advertise their hostel/rooms through pamphlets. ‘Ostello’ intend to alleviate this enormously prevailing practice in the nation. As per the Indian govt. norms, identity of every tenant must be verified by the police by getting the authenticity checked of the tenant’s identity proof. This is a very tedious task for the majority of the hostel/private room owners. ‘Ostello’ aims at getting this task done, for the owners. Any hostel owner who would like to join Mario’s Ostello can simply register his/her hostel/PG in the very first screen of the application. Besides providing the hostel, ‘Ostello’ has plenty of promising and tempting coupons for the mass. Some of our valuable and enticing coupon partners are Jain software, Subway, Happily Unmarried etc. wherein people can redeem the offers at the nearest stores of the same.
Now, by all odds, ‘Ostello’ is there to guide new people in the town to fulfill the optimal need and which will gratify their comfort zone.
Providing Comfort, Delivering Happiness
“It’s not only a Room; it’s a way of Living.”