關於Oversight Data Collection App
Oversight's Data Collection App is ONLY ONE piece of our solutions. It has no value until activated into a specific solution. There is a fee for each complete solution. For more details, email [email protected].
Oversight's web based solutions use smartphones and tablets to record the physical actions and observations performed by mobile workers. These data are processed and stored in each clients' secure website. This is done using Oversight's Mobile Worker Connection software.
Authorized managers may create their own interactive reports (anytime, anywhere) that show:
Who: The specific name or crew names of those individual(s) performing the activity.
What: What specific activity was performed, regardless of whether it was a routine task or a non-routine incident? What equipment was used?
When: When did the activity start? End? How long did it take? How much travel time? What was the total on-site time?
Where: Where did the activity take place (including GPS)? Which construction site? What property? What home?