關於Paragraphical Expander
Keep in mind that this was my first app created, so please don't be too harsh on the reviews :)
This app, Paragraphical Expander, was originally devised and created on 6/4/2015. With the help of google+ and stackoverflow users, the first full working apk file was made on 6/5/2015, less than two months after the developer (me, James) had first downloaded android studio. It now inserts an extra amount of spaces (specified in settings) and replaces certain words with phrases to make the essay look bigger.
This app is and will remain ad-free and with no "pay to unlock this feature" popups. All I ask is that you provide some feedback about what I can do to improve your experience with this app.
More information about the app and future updates: https://goo.gl/hA8w5m
Github URL: https://goo.gl/KTwboS
- completely new tutorial
- fixed bugs occurring on android 6.0