關於ParsPlus | با قابلیت حذف اکانت تلگرام | بدون فیلتر
基於Telegram API的高級非官方客戶端。完全免費和安全。
ParsPlus is an UNOFFICIAL Telegram client based on Telegram API.
• Create your own chat tabs with icon support from png.
• Direct chats: you can make new folder and set it as Direct chats, which will be shown in sidebar and as a tab.
• Batch actions with chats (mark read, delete, etc.) and contacts.
• Auto-merge your messages sent in a row.
• Confirmation of sending audio, video messages, GIFs, stickers.
• Change interface fonts with viewing and setting ttf from chat.
• Hidden chats with telegram password protection and fingerprint login.
• Auto-selecting proxy based on ping and connection speed.
• Built-in TOR.
• Forward messages without quoting, with editing, or adding caption to media.
• Copy part of the message.
• Improved formatting panel (with quote and reply to selected phrase).
• Create links in two clicks.
• Increase the limit of pinned chats to 100.
• All types of shared media in the profile.
اضافه شدن تبدل متن به صدا
اضافه شدن تبدل صدا به متن
اضافه شدن مخاطبین انلاین
اضافه شدن مخاطبین دو طرفه
اضافه شدن آیدی یاب
قابلیت نقاشی و ارسال به دیگران
قابلیت حذف اکانت تلگرامی
فعال/غیر فعال کردن دوربین درون برنامه