A service to facilitate convergence of forces of supply and demand for events
The partyrime website and application will provide a service to facilitate the convergence of the forces of supply and demand for events services of various kinds, as the application basically provides the opportunity for users to obtain different services for users from parties, business events and others. Why partytime? Through our observation, we found that there is a difficulty, and event owners of all kinds often suffer from lack of time and time wasted on the process of obtaining appropriate services and reservations for their event, the Partytime platform helps you: Saving time wasted in obtaining quotations. Often the owners of such events do not resort to studying market offers significantly, which improves the quality of decision-making. - Most of the event owners pay additional money because they are not aware of the offers available within other companies. Thus, based on the above, we can provide the solution to all these problems in terms of cost, time and effectiveness in decision-making by securing the application that opens the horizons of options for event owners in general and in particular as well as the application filters these services and classifies them in a very easy and fast manner. It saves time, effort and money and also gives the owner of the occasion the best option for the appropriate service provider according to a large segment of competitors within those targeted sectors.