關於Pashto Proverbs پښتو متلونه
Now a day Pastho is very famous all over the world and also we are trying to promote over home land language to all over the world . we are proud to be a pakhtoon so we present pashto proverbs application has large numbers of pashto proverbs (متلونه) and pastho jokes . all proverbs are categorized by alphabet orders. pastho proverbs app helps us to remember the Pashto Proverbs as Pashto Proverbs are considered valuable materials in Pashto language in different situation . pashto proverbs app is for fun for learning pastho in a better way write pastho in a better way understand pashto and promote pashto.
this app is completely free of any cost, and easy to use. The app is working for majority of Android devices.
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A lot of Pashto Proverbs with English translation .
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proverbs categorized via alphabet.
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