關於PhD Planner
PRESS to open/view tasks. LONG PRESS to edit/add tasks.
View all your completed, ongoing and upcoming milestones, experiments/studies, conferences, workshops, and holidays in one page.
PhD planner was designed with your final product, thesis, in mind. Organize your experiments based on chapters. This will be very helpful when you write your thesis.
We understand your project can change over the period, so this tool offers you with the flexibility to change your task name/deadlines if necessary as you go along.
Last updated on 2018年05月10日
Visit us at www.phdplanner.com
Keywords: Thesis planner, PhD thesis, Thesis scheduler, Research Planner, PhD task scheduler, Task scheduler, Gantt Chart.
Keywords: Thesis planner, PhD thesis, Thesis scheduler, Research Planner, PhD task scheduler, Task scheduler, Gantt Chart.
PhD Planner歷史版本
PhD Planner 1.0
1.9 MB2018年05月10日