關於Photo pea Photo Editor Clue
A free Guide app for you to know how to use Photopea mobile
Photopea is an advanced image editor, which can work with both raster and vector graphics. You can use it for simple tasks, such as resizing images, as well as complex tasks, such as designing webpages, creating illustrations, processing photographs and more.
This App will provide Photopea step by step Clue. We will start with basic tasks and gradually progress to more complex features. The chapters (on the left) have been organized, such that each chapter uses only the knowledge from previous chapters, so you can learn effectively and efficiently.
Right now, Photopea works with the sRGB color space (the basic color space for the web), with the 8-bit color depth. All exported files use sRGB, too.
Photopea runs completely in your device, just like Sketch or Photoshop do. It does not upload any of your files to the internet. You can load Photopea, disconnect from the internet and keep using it completely offline. None of your files ever leaves your computer.