Fixes and latest features, head to https://github.com/ponewheel/android-ponewheel for suggestions, feature requests, etc!
如果您因設備不兼容或軟件漏洞而在使用 pOnewheel 的最新版本時遇到問題,在應用開發者修復問題之前,下載舊版本可能是一個實用的解決方案。APKPure 提供與各種設備和 Android 系統兼容的 pOnewheel 所有舊版本。下載 pOnewheel 的舊版本以用於 Android。APKPure 的所有下載均無病毒,並提供快速、安全的方式獲取您所需的應用程序版本歷史記錄。
Fixes and latest features, head to https://github.com/ponewheel/android-ponewheel for suggestions, feature requests, etc!
Major release of latest from the github repo, includes:
- Fix for ride activity and log crash
- Numerous stability fixes
- Writing and sharing the csv log file actually works now
- Custom remaining battery % from output voltage, cell voltage, or fully charged Two-X (an awesome feature from the open source community!)
Major release of latest from the github repo, includes:
- Numerous stability fixes
- Writing and sharing the csv log file actually works now
- Custom remaining battery % from output voltage, cell voltage, or fully charged Two-X (an awesome feature from the open source community!)
This release brings,
- Enhancements, bug fixes, etc etc
- Better reliability in staying connected to onewheel
- Bluetooth reliability updates
- Speedometer changes color to red when passing speed thresholds
Update gets...
- Better reconnect if disconnected from the OW (connects directly to the OW instead of scanning again)
- Notifications on battery changes (should work for Android Wear). This is still a work in progress, at some point I'm going to have a better notification with speed and battery %
- More preferences, such as night mode at night and showing the status window
- UI fixes for more resolutions
Update brings,
- Fixes on the UI
- Faster disco mode blinking
- A "night" theme option for the UI
Thanks for all the suggestions on the community onewheel forum (especially Cara, thanks!)
Major update...
- I found this special person who cleaned up my UI mess. Thank you Linda :)
- Tons of fixes, too many to list. You gotta check out the new UI though...
Let me know if the sizes work, it's hard to test all the possible resolutions. And let me know what you think of the changes! [email protected]
Updates bring,
- UI enhancements: shows when disconnected from Onewheel, colors up the box based on rider on/off
- Increased the max brightness for LED lights on custom settings (tread lightly with this, could fry the lights, almost certainly burns more power)
- Added a wakelock when connecting to Onewheel and release on disconnect. This should help stay connected when the screen is off (also why there is a new permission request, need it for wakelock)
New stuff,
- Rider on/off and foot sensor pads are red/green colors
- Added a trip top speed stat (see if you can beat my 16.70MPH)
- Fixed the battery %, now shows up as soon as it connects to OW
All in for any ideas, feedback, whatever you got - send them to [email protected]
New version brings,
- Bug fixes (including one where light on/off was out of sync)
- Moved the speed and battery % to the top, in big ol' fonts. Next up is doing colors (green/red) to indicate foot pad's being on/off.
All in for any ideas, feedback, whatever you got - send them to [email protected]
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