popbee.com 成立於2008年,每日定時送上最新潮流資訊。POPBEE 首個手機程式正式登場,文章、視頻、照片等內容即時更新,帶來更方便快捷的閱讀體驗。
POPBEE 旨在讓每位女生都可以於這裡找到屬於自己的個人風格和生活態度。每一天,隨時隨地,只要有 POPBEE APP 在手,就可以通過手機和平版電腦接收時裝、美容、生活風格和文化資訊。你亦可透過多個便利的互動功能,儲存實用資訊,並與其他讀者交流。
2021 年,POPBEE 推出 POPBEE Circle,連繫來自亞洲各地的讀者,聚集到同好者的平台,一起聊時尚,談文化,分享生活,為大家提供更多元化的體驗。成為 POPBEE Circle 的成員,可於網站或 POPBEE APP 閱覽會員專屬獨家內容,同時享有來自不同品牌或合作夥伴的購物折扣優惠、獎品禮遇等福利,更有機會參加不同的工作坊。
Newly added voting and Q&A discussion features allow you to share your opinions anytime, anywhere!
POPBEE aims to allow every girl find her own personal style and lifestyle attitude here. Every day, anytime and anywhere, as long as you have the POPBEE app, you can receive information on fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and culture through your mobile phone or tablet. You can also use various convenient interactive features to save useful information and connect with other readers.
In 2021, POPBEE launched POPBEE Circle, connecting readers from across Asia and gathering enthusiasts on a platform to discuss fashion, talk about culture, and share life experiences, providing a more diverse experience for everyone. As a member of POPBEE Circle, you can access exclusive content on the website or POPBEE app, enjoy shopping discounts and perks from different brands or partners, and have the opportunity to participate in various workshops.